Funny Political Cartoons Funny Political Cartoons 2017
I've started a page to try and keep track of all the funny Trump, Hillary and Obama and other political cartoons that I've come across for easy viewing.
In case you aren't aware of Ben Garrison and his story, you should check out his web page as he makes some of the best pro-Trump cartoons out there. Ben is a Libertarian and frequently comes under attack for his political cartoons poking fun at Obama and the corruption that has infected our political systems.
Nothing enrages the media and Democrats more than a healthy, pro-American president working every day to Make America Great Again.
What could be more fair then Facebook and Google hiring "fact-checkers" from the most anti-Trump, liberal leaning organizations possible? Of course they'll be fair to conservative websites and Youtubers. To think anything different is just crazy, pure lunacy…at least according to those in the tech industry who hate Trump, conservatives and America.
Only Democrats actually hate giving money back to Americans and helping them become more prosperous, because the Democratic Party's very survival depends on a permanent underclass of citizens who they can promise more handouts to in exchange for votes, keeping them in perpetual poverty.
I'm sure Hijab Barbie was a big hit for Christmas, as what young American girl doesn't dream of being an oppressed wife someday who gets punished if she leaves the house without her face/head covering.
No women, or statue in the shape of a female, is safe from the groping of Al Franken…or many other Democrat politicians and media pundits that have been exposed as gropers/molesters.
Nothing is scarier for Halloween than a pack of anti-American lunatics, bent on destroying the prosperity that Americans have enjoyed since the country's founding by forcing socialism on the people.
Say goodbye to the NFL as you know it, as the cancer of leftism destroys everything enjoyable and entertaining in the fires of left-wing politics.
Look familiar? It certainly should, as the same masked ANTIFA thugs are eerily similar to past oppressive masked groups
Her hair looks just like Ramen Noodles.
Want to run a fascist terror group bent on suppressing free speech? Just name it the opposite of what you're trying to do. Fascists? Name your group Anti-Fascists, or ANTIFA for short.
It's all Russia time at CNN, it's the only lie that's propping up their failing network.
Want to make fun of CNN and their fake news? They will find and threaten you, because in their view "free speech" is only a shield they hide behind when slandering anyone who doesn't agree with their propaganda.
Just a reminder, CNN is Fake News.
The violent leftists don't actually go out an perform the acts of violence themselves, but instead will inflame the passions of the lunatics who actually listen to them.
Sadly, this is more of a reality than a cartoon…
Let's just be thankful this never came to be, and Hillary Clinton has been reduced to crazy old woman blaming everyone else for her failures.
Mania, caused by a pure hatred of Donald Trump and all things conservative.
This is literally what James Comey's office looked like…before he was fired of course.
And he would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling conservatives…
Maxine Waters is a lunatic, plain and simple, and it isn't even a joke anymore since she actually has real power as a member of Congress…scary stuff.
President Trump, drain the swamp don't let the swamp drain you (Paul Ryan).
The only thing the intelligence community has is every picture, email and text messages that American citizens have ever sent since Obama was in office.
Because liberals hate making America great again…
A depiction of when Internet sleuths found Shia LaBeouf's anti-Trump flag's location, stole it and replaced it with pro-Trump gear. This will be memorialized in history for all times to come, and as a valuable lesson for leftist celebrities preaching to the working class.
Instead of the Salem witch hunt, we have the Russian hunt, where everyone who disagrees with the Democrats are now Russian agents.
And this is the biggest issue facing America…according to the liberals.
Mystery of the Russian hackers exposed!
For too long the media has had free reign over political narratives and shaping the opinions of voters through their bias headlines. Now, someone actually fights back and calls them out on their blatant liberal bias, and their heads are spinning in disbelief as they hide behind the curtain of "freedom of the press".
No matter what anyone says, politics plays a role in the justice system, the economy, the Pentagon, and every governmental department you can imagine. And after 8 years of Obama, their politics lean heavily towards the liberal side.
I really feel bad for the press (I don't), they lost both their heroes in politics (Obama and Hillary), so whose left for them to idolize and worship?
ISIS sure is rooting for the Democrats and liberals protesters Trump's strong borders policies.
So long Obama's anti-American executive orders! Trump's "magic wand" sure is doing a number on Obama's "pen and a phone".
So true!
The snowflake meltdown continues, and just keeps getting better and better. Conservatives earned this time to gloat, after years of being branded as racists and told our opinions don't matter by the media.
So long mainstream media credibility, it's been nice knowing you…actually it hasn't, so good riddance.
I don't think President Trump is getting "handed" a great America by outgoing Obama as much as the mainstream media is trying to claim he is. In fact, he's inheriting a disaster, which he will fix, and is why voter flocked to his movement in the first place.
Obama's moral compass only points in one direction…the destruction of America.
This year, Santa is telling Donald Trump what he wants for Christmas!
The absolute best version of "The 12 Days of Christmas" you will ever see in your life.
The key word here is "tried", and thankfully Hillary Clinton and her campaign failed miserably in their attempts to rig this election, even though she had the entire mainstream media, billionaire donor establishment and even Hollywood movie stars behind her.
Another great cartoon by Ben Garrison outlining the liberals frantically trying to diminish Trump's historic election win. Just like their efforts during the election, they will fail miserably, as Trump actually fights back.
Mark Zuckerberg has hired far left, liberal biased organizations like Snopes and Politifact to determine what is "fake news" on Facebook and suppress it…because that worked out so well for the entire mainstream media establishment during the election.
The hypocrisy of the mainstream media.
This is what Christmas will look like at the Clinton household…minus the Christmas tree of course, as it will probably be replaced by a statue of a spirit cooking idol.
While the mainstream media laments that they no longer have credibility, Trump is using social media to reach a massive audience and completely bypassing the liberal bias of the press. They have never faced a smart, assertive and strong leader like Trump before and they have no idea how to react.
The media is a panic, seeing racists everywhere, not realizing that calling all Trump voters racist and bigots was part of the reason they became fed up with the press in the first place. Thanks bias media, keep it up! Who's the fake news now?
The Silent Majority is silent no longer, and will never be silent again.
Typical Democrats, praise the system when it works in their favor, but seek to demolish it when it doesn't.
Out, out, out!
Oh cry me a river…then build a bridge and get over it.
Technically not a cartoon, but a beautiful sight to behold nonetheless.
One scandal after another for Clinton and her associates. If she is elected, she will down in history not as the first woman president, but as the first life-long criminal ever put into office.
Notice the shoe in the cauldron along with all of Hillary and Huma's emails? The shoe is a reference to when Hillary passed out at the 9/11 memorial service, lost her shoe and had to be thrown into her vehicle like "a side of beef". Well played Ben Garrison, well played.
Donald Trump: Drain the Swamp of Corruption!
Ben Garrison has a real talent for perfectly portraying Hillary and the government's corruption, lies and desire to control every aspect of our lives.
After almost 8 years of Obama, endless war in the Middle East, police getting targeted by Black Lives Matter…I think just about anything would look better than his "Hope and Change" message.
Hillary Clinton is the driving force of evil, Bill simply follows in her wake.
A proper scum bag always puts their "undesirable" documents in the burn bag.
Another winner from Ben Garrison. Captures the failures, death and destruction that Hillary Clinton has brought to millions in the Middle East. Coming soon to the USA if she's elected.
I know this isn't a cartoon, but it should be. It's haggered Hillary and Michelle Obama walking her dog, vs. Trump and wife Melania looking like a true American family.
A very busy cartoon by Ben Garrison, but the house of cards that Crooked
Hillary has built over her illustrious career has become an intricate
web of lies, deceit and corruption. Notice the subtleties. The washer machine full of dirty money, skeletons in her closet, blood money received from Saudi Arabia all built on a foundation of bribes.
A fitting generalization of the Brexit vote and what it means for their country. The EU has morphed from what started as a free trade alliance, to a political system where its rulers are not elected by, or beholden to, the citizens of its member countries.
If her mouth is open, she's lying. Even when she may be speaking about facts, she's lying because she doesn't really believe in any of it herself.
This is a classic on so many different levels…Ben Garrison couldn't have possibly made a better portrayal of the stereotypes of Michelle Obama if he tried.
Ever wonder what Obama's nightmares look like? His greatest fear in the entire world? White Christians with Bibles who support the 2nd amendment. Particularly if they are white males.
The Washington Post has 30 journalists dedicated only to trying to dig up dirt on Donald Trump. The fact that they've found nothing except petty quotes from 30 years ago should tell you something about Trump's values and life. Of course the media is uninterested in the massive scandals that Hillary Clinton carries around with her on a daily basis.
If walls don't work, then why do the wealth elite surround their homes with them to keep the riff-raff out? Or better yet, why has Obama approved increasing the height of the fence around the white house?
Obama's favorite quote that ISIS is just the "JV team." As a gunman swears allegiance to ISIS and commits one of the worst mass shootings in our countries history.
This is just funny. Media can't handle a man actually acting like a man in his life.
The only way Donald Trump can win the presidency is by dragging the republicans, kicking and screaming, across the finish line. One of the reasons I believe the main stream republicans don't want him to win is because it will prove that the people actually know what's better for their party than the politicians
Hilarious cartoon and very education for any Sanders supporter who has no idea what a Communist is.
Any mention of securing our borders is promptly met with typical liberal attack of, "Racist!" Thankfully this attack is rapidly losing its potency, thanks to Trump standing up to them rather than retreating like most politicians would do.
Don't think it will happen? They've already taken the American flag out of classrooms in towns with a large immigrant population as to not offend them. Of course one has to wonder why the flag of the country, that offers them a better life than the one they had, would possible offend them in the first place…
Wicked witch of Washington, Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton will build on the massive failures of the Obama administration and ensure that she creates many more.
GOP totally out of touch with their party.
He knows he won't be sued, because if anyone where to try, they would just be called a racist by the media and lose their job.
TPP here we come, free trade with the Pacific nations! Because NAFTA worked out so well for American workers after all. With every new regulation comes an additional American job lose.
I'm sure Putin is shaking in his boots every time Obama uses "harsh language" against him.
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